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Yoga App's Awesome Features

On-boarding process

Users can register via Signup or through Facebook or Google. User will be able to continues their classes via Mobile app as both website and apps are cync together.


Users need to Register themselves on website only. There will be 2 types of subscription for the users to select from either monthly or quarterly payments.


Users will get a video for their selected category and they will be able to play the video for the Yoga along with some detail description of benefits of it.

Pose Guide

Users will get a list of all the Poses with the option to view the video description for it. Users can play the video and follow the process to learn the Yoga pose.

Manage profile

Users can manage their profile by password reset, name, email and image update, notification manegement via this feature.

Daily Vibes

Users will get a daily positive vibes with option to share it via social media and save. It also describes the daily pose for the users to maintain their activities.

Filter by Categories

Users will be able to filter the categoris and view their classes and videos. There are several categories in the app which help users to filter and select as per their requirements.

Notes & Reminders

Users can set their reminders and add the notes to it. It helps user to get the reminder for the classes on daily basis in their busy schedule.


Application Description

Yoga App is specifically designed and developed as per client's requireemnt. Aim to develop Yoga App is to spread awareness of Yoga across the globe. Our client is from Russia and she is a certified Yoga instructor who came up with an idea of developing an app for thier users.

Application will allow users to register via website and subscribe for the packages. Once user successfully paid for it, they will be able to access all the content and videos created by instructor. Users will be able to access the Mobile application as well to access the videos while they travel remotely.

It has a feature of Notes and Reminder in which they can set the reminders triggered at the specific time to make sure they don't lose the track of their Yoga. Users will be able to get the Daily Positive Vibes and Pose Guide as well to learn the correct pose.

Are you also looking for a Yoga App or Application for your Gym? Feel free to contact us today via email or by submitting the contact us form



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